Teacher to Entrepreneur: Feeling Consistently Overwhelmed (and Why I’m Not Allowing it to Make Me Give Up)

Erin Cryder
4 min readOct 21, 2020
Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash

My virtual doors to my business have been open for one month, I’ve made more money than I expected, but today I broke.

You see, I am a teacher. I’ve always been a teacher at heart. I won’t bore you with the age-old tale of lining my stuffed animals up and giving my younger sister worksheets that every other teacher has told you (even though I totally did those things). But I walked away. I walked away from something that has been my passion since I was three years old.

I became a Mom in 2019 and went on extended maternity leave. I felt so fortunate to have time at home with my baby, a supportive husband, and a comfortable home with a job to return to at the other end.

Enter 2020. You know- you’re all living it too.

The district where I was working was not meeting the standard distancing requirements for safety during the pandemic. The parents in the community were “outraged” that teachers didn’t want to work- which couldn’t be further from the truth (side note: parents, we know you are doing more than you’ve ever done before, but so are teachers; please be nice). I decided I wanted a new course.

A few Facebook ads started floating around on my screen as I would mindlessly scroll after the baby was in bed, touting their six-figure freelancing journeys, fueled by being able to write remotely. I began to think about my time in the classroom and how that has shaped me- is that something I could do? I’m an English teacher; I have a passion for reading and writing. I have a master’s degree, for goodness sakes. I decided I was going to take the plunge.

I have watched my parents run an incredibly successful business for my entire life. They created something that allowed us to take family vacations, put two kids through college, and live a generally comfortable life. So, between my career experience, these Facebook strangers, and watching my parents do it, I decided to dive in. All in.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Cue the feeling of overwhelm. There is an excessive amount of information for any freelancing niche on the internet. Your Instagram stories flood suddenly with a freebie for this, a course for that, another person’s success story thrown in your face. Is it inspiring to know people have “made it”? Of course. Is it also a lot to take in? Yep.

So today, I broke. I let myself feel that overwhelm and start to work through it. I need to get out of what the lovely Ashley Gainer calls a “learning-loop.” I need to stop spending hours reading what other people are doing on Facebook groups. I need to get myself more clients.

The only way to do this is to branch out, network, and stop fearing that no one will want my services. I can write- well. I can write copy that will draw clients to other people’s businesses. And most importantly, in this crazy year, I’d like to help others stay afloat in their business.

So, yes, my (new) entrepreneurial journey has dramatically affected my state of mind. I am nervous but hopeful. I know that I reached my ultimate goal for this year- keeping my family as safe as possible while still contributing financially to our household. I will stay the course so that my schedule is more flexible to see my little girl grow.

But, today I broke. Tomorrow, I will be stronger for it. I write on for myself and my family. And- I hope that if you like what you see, you may want me to write something for you too.

Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

Erin Cryder is a freelance writer specializing in all things childhood and education, but is available for any of your copy needs. She is a high school English teacher, Reading Specialist, and Mama to one feisty, adorable toddler. To learn more, visit her at www.erincrydercopywriting.com.



Erin Cryder

Erin Cryder is a freelance writer specializing in all things childhood and education. You can visit her website at www.erincrydercopywriting.com to learn more!